Every year, thousands of catholic parishes across the U.S. hand out free books at Christmas and Easter. Why do they hand them out? Why do they hand THESE books out?

Dynamic Catholic had me help tell the world why.


Christmas and Easter are special.

They are the times of highest attendance. Catholics who have been away from the sacraments and the community for weeks, months, years even venture back into the pews for a special mass.

Maybe it’s just out of habit, maybe it’s from a sense that something’s missing, but whatever the reason the truth is this is an extraordinary opportunity to reach those who are interested but unengaged.

Dynamic Catholic’s books are tailored for meeting people in that specific moment. They’re not the full solution, but they’re the handshake. A tipping point, a stepping stone, in a journey of spiritual discovery that busyness, cultural apathy, and inertia can calcify and suffocate if left unchecked.

My role.

This was the first project I was tasked with when I started at Dynamic Catholic in 2018. I took the script developed by the marketing and video team and took it through a round of storyboards before polishing the boards in Adobe Illustrator as we refined them through the second and third rounds.



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Revive Parishes


The Great Adventure Bible